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…You Are Disappearing From Me Like A Snowflake

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"... You are disappearing from me like a snowflake

Melting down inside my fist as I'm trying to hold onto you with so much care

Like a dawn in morning mist you are vanishing with each passing second

With all the fleeting moments of togetherness we share ...

You have chosen to be the fall of autumn

When full blossom of spring was all that our love could've had

Like a bitter taste you've gripped my tongue

That's cutting through the sweetness in my mouth pretty bad ...

Like the darkness of a fully eclipsed Sun

You are taking the daylight away from my eyes

Receding sound of your footsteps is filling the void

Left by our unsaid goodbye ...

I wasn't ready for the sudden fall of this winter

That your absence spelled like witchcraft

My loneliness is twisting and turning

Caught in the rapid river of time like a tiny rubber raft ...

Like a mother bird I'm sitting on our memories

Waiting for them to hatch saplings of tomorrow

Time is approaching like a snake

Towards the eggs of yesterday, strangulating my hopes before they grow ...

I'm not hoping for you to come back

As had you loved me you wouldn't have gone away

But I'm hoping for you to change your mind

And believe in our love to come back to me some day ...

Someday when you would get tired of this running

From one heart to another in search of love

Someday when you would look into your soul

You'd find me, who has always been more than enough ...

Untill then this pain of losing you will remain my smile that I want to keep

I'm never gonna love another heart, no other name would ever fall off my lips ...

I would never dump our memories somewhere inside the folds of time

As long as my heart reckons you my soul remains with yours, forever entwined ..."

~ Arijit

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