Pay attention to your breathing,
in all the activities you do.
when you get dressed
Pay attention to your breathing.
when you eat
Pay attention to your breathing.
when you work
Pay attention to your breathing.
when you travel
Pay attention to your breathing.
when you walk
Pay attention to your breathing.
When you are at home, you rest,
Pay attention to your breathing.
As long as you are mindful of your breathing, you anchor yourself in the present moment, in the here and now, and in the present moment there are no thoughts, only You.
In the present moment there is no duality, you are simply You.
And when you are, feel peace, feel joy, feel freedom.
As long as you pay attention to your breathing,
stay in your center, in the core of your inner being. You are in balance with yourself, you are aware of yourself,
and this is the Healing.
When you stop paying attention to your breath, and sink into your thoughts, you stop being present and you are distracted, you forget yourself. Remain unconscious, asleep.
and this gives rise to emotions, attachments, desires and suffering. This is a disease after all.
Try to pay attention to your breathing,
as long as you can. If you sometimes get lost in your thoughts, don't worry, nothing happens, just come back to your breathing.
You just have to be aware of your breathing,
to remain in a meditative state,
and this leads to true healing.
Breathe here, now.
I am sending you my thoughts of love to brighten your day!!!"