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The Beauty Of A Woman

The beauty of a woman is carried deeply within the purity of her heart. It has been created through every moment and experience … and her awareness of life.

This type of true beauty is exquisite in its ability to make her shine.

She is someone who turns heads, and her presence is felt by others. She is comfortable in her own skin, content with her knowing of herself, and feels the blessing of her life everyday.

She is not out to impress anyone… she simply models love well.

The most attractive women are not those who have undergone extensive plastic surgery, those layered with societal expectations, the feminists who seek dominance over men, or the sub-missives who depend entirely on men. They are not fragile princesses who expect comfort from everyone around them.

The most attractive woman is balanced, reconciled with herself, unique in her thoughts, steadfast in her principles and actions, and honest and frank, regardless of the consequences. She has fought life's battles alone and, despite her disappointments and traumas, does not seek sympathy or play the victim. She conceals her pain and relies on strength from within and her faith.

This woman lives with the passion of a burning soul. She has faced the flames and emerged from the ashes, like a dazzling phoenix, unstoppable. She has fought the world's darkness and her inner demons, emerging from the depths of hell free, unbought, and unsold. She is strong yet her heart overflows with generosity, her light and attraction emanating from the authenticity of her rebellious soul against societal hypocrisy. Her distinct personality captivates everyone.

Her light and beauty do not come from a surgeon's knife, fabricated appearances, or superficial acceptance. They stem from a transparent soul that resists the falsehoods lurking within humanity. She embodies femininity and delicacy while fighting with all her ferocity. She has learned to soar alone like a hawk, transforming her deepest pains into a ladder to new horizons. From life's trials, she emerges as a colorful butterfly, content only with the paradise she deserves.

True attraction cannot be bought with worldly wealth; it arises from an inner place that rejects falseness.

~Katie Kamara

Gratitude to the unknown Artist

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