Albert Einstein once said that one of the most important decisions we make is whether we believe we live in a hostile or friendly universe. This crucial decision determines the quality of our life because our mindset determines how we experience life.
If we believe that fundamentally, the universe is hostile or even indifferent, then our basic attitude toward life will most likely be pessimistic. We’ll basically expect that things probably won’t work out as we want, causing us to avoid taking risks.
This belief tends to generate a mindset that life is basically futile and lacking purpose. Believing that the universe is friendly and interested in our well-being, creates a positive outlook on life generating a sense of purpose and even adventure regarding our journey here on Earth.
Living life optimistically causes us to expect that things will ultimately work out, filling us with hope and encouragement. The reality is that when it comes to the unseen, spiritual realm, we don’t know for sure whether the universe is hostile or friendly.
However, it’s my opinion that there is abundant evidence that the universe is in fact friendly and even guided by a divine entity. Since we don’t know for sure, why not simply choose to believe that the universe is friendly, knowing it will profoundly improve our quality of life.
One reason that a gratitude practice is so highly recommended is that when we are consciously looking for things to be grateful for, we are supporting a mindset that the universe is friendly, providing blessings in our lives.
What we focus on tends to expand in our lives as our brain is programmed to find examples that support our beliefs. Believing that the universe is friendly also helps to create resilience in life. We know that life will bring challenges and difficulties.
However, expecting that things will ultimately work out and that we can receive divine guidance, helps us to maintain courage and hope as we progress through life’s challenge.
Until next time, enjoy the journey!
