I wish I could fix everything people broke in you. I wish I could erase every person who came into your life and left holes in your heart. I wish there was a way for me to rewind your past and erase every painful memory that made your life a little darker. I wish I had the power to go inside your heart and bring it back to what it used to be.
I wish there was a way to go inside your heart and make it brave again. I wish I could just cleanse your heart and rid it of all the mess, all the chaos and all the heartbreaks. I wish I could show you the kind of love you've been missing but darling I've learned that love doesn't work that way and healing doesn't happen unless you feel it deep inside your soul.
I learned that another human being can't tell you how you should feel or who you should love or what kind of heart you should have. Love is the only force you can't fight even if you know you're going to lose.