Let go of fearing the feminine power
The divine feminine is with the divine masculine
This is an internal union, it is a dance, not a power struggle
It is what the Earth grids are made from as a Tri-Wave energy
It is in Unity as One, the Zero point of Neutrality
Her sexual energy is not to manipulate or seduce, it is a creative and spiritual force
The energy is not about physical standards or fitting into something
It is the essence of love and wisdom that illuminates the physical
This inner divinity flows through our words and actions
It inspires divine innocence, the blossoming of human consciousness, purification of the elements
It is our power of birthing, our creative energy
It takes the masculine seed of ideas and brings it into manifestation
It is the return to the Mother, the sister, the daughter
Lover is found through integrity and honoring the temple
Connecting with the Father, the brother and the son
The lover is found through Soul affinity and embracing our highest potential
The feminine is connected to the regenerative power of Nature
It is Sacred and is asking for us to return
Sacred is not lost in programings or games or seeking false power
It is not here to take over, it is within men and women
It is here to restore balance to this Earth, it is the magic of Alchemy
Through recognition of our inner divine union, we Ascend into Higher Earth energies
Let the feminine nurture and unconditionally love you
Let the masculine be the Spirit Warrior whose Ego holds this unity consciousness
Let the wounds seek relief through not hiding them in shame
Transmute the pain by giving it a voice and expression
Life is a teacher, devote to the process of awakening and trust it is within you to discover
The feminine is not a victim anymore to the dark cycles in history
The Masculine isn't in power, control or domination
The love story is happily ever after within our Soul
This relationship is discovered through being true to all that we are
Embracing all aspects of self to create integration and wholeness
~ Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Gratitude to unknown artist
