It matters.
"What is kind and what is wild do not contradict each other. Kindness is not a characteristic lauded by modernity. At best is portrayed as a pastel quality, something meek and mild: tame. At worst, it is foolish. A naïve characteristic in the dog-eat-dog world. To me, it is the opposite. Kindness is both wild and wise."
I cannot stress this enough… everything we do matters.
You may not realize you make a difference, but you do.
You may not understand your presence, but it’s needed.
You may not feel your thoughts are valid, but they are.
Please don’t underestimate your power.
The power of a smile, an extended hand, a nod of approval and appreciation.
The smallest things have huge implications-
As simple as a Thank You, in gratitude “Kindness is both wild and wise.”
Aho, Amen