But what if?
Sometimes my thinking is challenged. It suddenly thinks a thought, uncommon to me.
Someone asked one day, how to I control those racing thoughts?
How do I stop critical thoughts?
And are these messages for me?
Here's the Answer
Without any doubt there is a message in those thoughts.
How One handles that question,
is part of this lesson.
Many times humans recieve vibes, not ordinary vibes. But different vibes.
Many that are not experienced in fluidity of movement, experience these low level vibes and pick them up. It's easy to do.
It's called triggered. And triggered is when something creates an emotional response.
It could be physical response, verbal response, and many other unnoticed bodily centrification.
Creates friction, a noticeable bodily function, things just seem to get harder.
As things get harder, One begins to try and figure things out,
they begin to raise doubt.
But what if?
When you read that statement, where did your mind go?
Positive or negative?
Most what if’s are negative,
What if it rains?
What if they don't like me?
Those 2 small negative lines you just read, influenced your feelings, for just a second, as your read them in your mind.
Now I challenge you, to think and say 3 happy things.
It's a beautiful day!
I'm thankful.
I love myself.
Do you see, do you feel the change within you in just those few seconds?
Why 3, because new thoughts push out old thoughts, so those 3 will replace the last 2 negative thoughts. Adding one new positive thought, sends it in the positive direction.
The more positive thoughts,
the greater the movement.
That's how it works.
The longer someone thinks negative, the more it compounds. It takes up more space and energy.
Continue to move into those positive feelings, say simple words like love and peace, over and over again, until it becomes a part of you
But what if you like it,
I bet you do, love to you ❤️
